How this will work

Welcome to the WinterCoolies for life Healthy Living Blog. The idea is to promote a healthy lifestyle that we all want to live.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

And.... here it is

Hi guys! For those of you who were able to make it for Thanksgiving-- thanks! We had a great time with all of you and Joel has missed all the fun since you guys left.

Aubrey asked me to share this link with you. I love this test, and many of you have probably already taken it at some point. Click HERE to go to the test. Post in the comments what your results are-- since we are just taking the free version of the test we don't get the "in depth analysis", but I have the book and can fill you in if you are curious. It's always fun to see what couples are because there are sometimes some unlikely combinations.

So, go! Take the test, come back here and post in the comments if you'd like to know more about your/your spouse's color. (I have my theories as to what color everyone will be, so this will be interesting!)


  1. I am a Yellow. Some of this really makes sense:

    need to look good socially, and friendships command a high priority in their lives. yellows are happy, articulate, engaging of others and crave adventure. Easily distracted, they can never sit still for long. They embrace each day in the "present tense" and choose people who, like themselves, enjoy a curious nature. yellows are charismatic, spontaneous, and positive; but can also be irresponsible, obnoxious, and forgetful. When you deal with a YELLOW, take a positive, upbeat approach and promote light-hearted, creative, and fun interactions.

    I'm pretty sure Rob is Blue, willhave to wait for him to take the test to know for sure.

  2. I'm a blue (37.47%). I guess it makes sense as I was reading thru what it mentioned about me. Funny to hear more about. I'm excited to see what it says about Aubrey.

  3. I am a white by 42.51%. It describes us whites as: motivated by Peace. They seek independence and require kindness. They resist confrontation at all costs. To them, feeling good is more important than being good. They are typically quiet by nature, process things very deeply and objectively with great clarity. Of all the colors, Whites are the best listeners. They respect people who are direct but recoil from perceived hostility or verbal battle. Whites want to do things their own way and in their own time. They ask little of others and resent others demanding much of them. Whites are much stronger than people think, but are not often seen for their strength because they don't easily reveal their feelings. Whites are even-tempered, diplomatic, and the voice of reason; but can also be indecisive, unexpressive, and silently stubborn. When you deal with a WHITE, be kind, accept and support their individuality, and look for non-verbal clues to understand their feelings.

    Now isn't that me to a T?

    (I don't really get the T thing)

  4. I was a blue by over 50% I can't remember the exact percentage, sorry. Anyway, it was no surprise to me. I always end up being a blue when I take that or similar tests Red is always my lowest color. - Teri

  5. Okay I'm totally suprised. Mine said I was a blue but only by 43%. I totally thought I was a red or yellow. Oh well. I must be feeling very blue today. I hope this was a good way for you to start looking at how you work. and how you can best set and reach goals for you and your life.
